The Brief Lives of Ella Jenner

Ella Jenner has problems telling the truth. If she had only lied about seeing her mother push her father down the stairs, her mother wouldn’t have been taken away, and Ella would not have been sent to live with her eccentric aunts with all their odd obsessions learned from Ella’s dead father, Dr. Edward Jenner, new age healer and seller of snake oil remedies. Ella has inherited all of his talents for deception, not least in pretending to be someone she is not. In the course of her short life, she tries out all kinds other selves – as professional invalid, new age therapist, teacher, even a nun. Yet behind every lie is a kernel of truth, and behind every false self is the real Ella trying to tell her own, true story.

The Brief Lives of Ella Jenner is available as an E-Book and in paperback. See here for details

Another excellent book by a hugely talented writer.’ – Booksy